May 20, 2007

KB Tour..

Jalan-jalan Kota Bharu with Zaza... On May 13,2007.. (but where is she??hehe..dia tukang amik gambaq da..)

This pic taken at Kg Kraftangan.. Kat sini ade satu restoran called "Cikgu Nasi Ulam". They served nasi campur with a lot choices of ulama-ulaman (pegaga, timun, nangka muda direbus, pucuk ubbi..macam-macam!.. Together with lauk pauk melayu like masak lemak, ikan keli goreng, sambal belacan, budu, asam pedas n macam-macam lagi la.. Served with 'Sirap Selasih Beng'.. Fuh! Terangkat abis..

Near to Kg Kraftangan ada Medan Selera.. Pelbagai types of food served here.. Dari Malay dish sampai ke Western.. In front of those stalls ada small house n designed based on Rumah Melayu. Ade rumah Kedah, rumah Perak, rumah Melaka, rumah Sarawak etc... 3pm-11pm daily ade karaoke n refleksiologi jgak kat sini...

This is Istana Batu.. Sultan Kelantan stayed here before.. Now they moved to Istana Kubang Kerian.. A lot of Kelantan Royals Collection kat sini.. Entry Fees is RM1 for adult..

This pic kat dalam Muzium Kraftangan.. Nothing much kat dlm muzium nih..

Lg satu regrets Muzium Adat Istiadat Negeri Kelantan.. Kitorg x leh masuk sb diorang tgh wat keje2 maintenance.. mayB next time..

May 14, 2007

Man's Convocation

9 Mei 2007.. attending MAN's convovcation.. Takling about him..this brother dia nih dulu2 mase umur belasan tahun sgt la nakalnye.. risau gak aku jd orang tak bdak nih nnti..?? Alhamdulillah skrg slps umur dah meningkat dah berubah la.. pndai dah respect org.. xde lg la perbuatan yg sakitkan hati.. Alhamdulillah.. wish him good luck for his future.. skrg sijil hope nnti dpt further ke peringkat yg lbih tinggi.. career development n all everything yg terbaik.. Amin...