September 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me...

ehm... Dah genap 27 tahun...
What have i archived ya? ehm.. yang tu nnti la next entry crite lg..
Today, on my 27th birthday, my pregnancy turn 19weeks...

no celebration.. ehm.. xpe la..

abang promised to clebrate my birthday nanti kat Kajang... So, i just wait..

September 23, 2008


I'm worried of 'something'........... Hope everything gonna be 0k...

And.. also got a good news!
Gaji Abang dah masuk.. huhuuuu.. Lega... Ingatkn kena tunggu sampai 3 bln.. Alhamdulillah...


September 17, 2008



Hubby balik!! hehehe... baru sampai pagi tadi.. Lepas berbuka mlm ni kena bertolak balik ke Kajang.. Xpe la kejap pun.. Ade jugak peluang berbuka bersama.. ☺☻☺☻

And.. yang lagi menyeronotkan..!! My boss suggest me to take half day leave today!! Horrayyyyyy!! Ha... Boss korang baik cmni tak?? heheh.. Thanks Pn Nor..

I feel good

September 14, 2008


NAk makan ape erk bUkak posa ptg nih?

ntah la

September 01, 2008

~Salam Ramadan~

This is our 1st Ramadan as 'husband n wife'.... But.. we're far apart... :( As newly weds, this is supposed to be our most memorable Ramadan.. break the fast together... 0h.. yes.. its a memorable Ramadan, but with different meaning.. its vice-versa!

Thinking bout Azrul.. Sahur alone.. break his fast alone.. with wife and family far away.. OMG.. it must be very sad to get through!