May 31, 2011

Aku Cinta Padamu

Lagu di atas dimainkan oleh officemate...
Teringat kenangan lama...

Seseorang pernah buat lawak dengan saya...

'Syah.. apa tajuk lagu 1st Siti Nurhaliza tu?' (He is big fan of CT Nurhaliza)

And i replied..'Wajah kekasih'...

'Bukan.. ada lagi satu yg famous tu..'

'Owh... Aku cinta padamu'

..... 'Syah cinta **** ... ???' dengan senyum nakal...

'Nanti la **** fikir dulu mo trima ka tidak cinta Syah tu... ' dengan wajah berbunga kembang...
Hahhaa... ayat mat romeo!!

p/s No heart feeling involved... aku cuma teringat bila si officemate mainkan lagu ni.. ;)

May 09, 2011

Empty.. Confuse

I dont understand why do i have this kind of feeling..

And, I believe... There must be a reason behind.. We can't pleased everybody... I tought that I have done my very best to please people in my sorounding. But, i might be wrong.. and maybe it is not supposed to be that way..

Nevermind then... :)

Cheer up Aishah!!...