April 21, 2009


Selepas seminggu bekerja...

Semalam ibu ade meeting.. dalam 7:30pm baru sampai rumah.. Sedihnnya ibu tinggalkan Darwisy sampai nk masuk maghrib.. So sorry ye sayang.. Macam ni la kalau keje makan gaji.

Considered ibu lucky.. some of my friends lagi la.. tengah² malam pn kena datang sebab ada harvesting. Buat masa ni ibu dikecualikan sebab ada anak kecik.. tak dapat ibu bayangkan macammana perasaannya terpaksa meninggalkan anak yang tengah tidur di tengah² malam demi tuntutan tugas.. Sesuatu yang sangat menyedihkan..

Artikel yang sangat berguna dari http://www.theparentszone.com/

It will be challenging for the working woman to take care of their children

As a working woman, you need not collect the pay check. You are needed by some one to take care of them.

Every working woman should have the motto “saving your money, time and energy”.

What does the working mom do?

Every mom has lot of things to do and without enough time to do it. They are trying to be a mother, wife and do outside work.

As a working mom, you have to get up early in the morning, making the school-age children and babies ready for the school and day care and have to get ready by yourself for the work. This can lead to anger, stress, and pressure.

After the work day, your house work starts. It consists of helping your children with their home work, settling the fight among the kids, preparing the dinner, doing laundry work.

Added to this, you may have other things to do like the grocery shopping, appointment of dentist and doctor, paying bills, transporting children from school or sporting, and illnesses which results when you are tired and stressed. [Parenting Stress]

You may feel alone and tired very often. You also feel that you are defeated, isolated and would like to have some relief. Fortunately you might have one season for relief that is when your children grow and do their things independently.

All the non-essential things can be cut off from your life at this moment. But you need to do for yourself again in the midst of battle.

Tips to alleviate load and stress of working mom:

  • Chore has to be assigned to every one. It requires some time to force them to do their duty but it will work later on.
  • You are not the super woman. You have to admit and accept it. The world will not have been revolving, if something has not done.
  • Find other women to help you. She can clean and take care of errands while you take care of her children. By this way both can help each other.
  • Find out some time, at least 15 minutes to rest, meditate and pray. The best way to relax is by bubble bath.
  • Find some one you can talk and trust as a good friend.
  • It would be better for you to write the feelings, things that are going around you and the fear. You need not blow up on the other person for these feelings.
You can follow the tips which help to reduce the stress as working mom.

April 19, 2009

Waiting for him

Weekend ni hubby start 1 week pelepasan..
Bestnye.. dapat la Darwisy dok lama sikit dgn ayah.. Ni la baru Darwisy nak kenal ayah..
Cian anak ibu...

Whats in my mind is.. Should i apply for the whole week leave? 0h.. i just came back from 2 months leave..and now.... cuti lagi??

Wish that my boss will approve my leave! Amin...

April 18, 2009

20 things that change when you have a baby

20 things that change when you have a baby

From BabyCenter Malaysia

Everyone warns you that having a baby will change your life. Sure, you'll have less money (and sleep), and a lot more responsibility. But when the centre of your universe shifts to your new baby, there's much to celebrate too:

• You discover an inner strength you never realised you had.
• You accept that the last 15 pregnancy pounds you can't seem to shift are absolutely worth it.
• You don't need a clock any more - your baby now sets your daily schedule.
• You respect and love your own parents in a new way.
• Any pain your baby suffers feels much worse than your own.
• You don't mind going to bed at 9pm on a Friday night.
• Your heart breaks much more easily.
• You discover how much there is to say about one little baby tooth.
• You look at your baby in the mirror instead of yourself.
• You're no longer disgusted by babies' bodily functions - in fact, you're fascinated by them
(hooray, a poo!)
• The sacrifices you thought you'd made to have a baby no longer seem that big a deal.
• You respect your body ... finally.
• You realise that a baby's comforter has magical powers!
• You give parents with a screaming baby an "I-know-the-feeling" look, instead of a "Can't-they-shut-him-up?" one.
• You make time for one more baby hug and kiss, even if it means you'll be late.
• You realise that it's possible to love a complete stranger.
• You learn that taking a shower is a luxury, never mind a trip to the hairdresser's.
• You finally get to speak to the shy neighbour in your street, because you've got a baby in
your arms.
• You find that things that once seemed important are now meaningless.
• Every day is a surprise.

Bukan Niat

Bkn niat aku nak menyakiti sesiapa.. Sumpah.. Aku cuma nk tlg supaya nnti di kemudian hari x menyesal.. Tapi kl niat ikhlas aku tak bleh diterima.. i wont interfere anymore!

April 15, 2009

~Salary Day ~ just for fun!

All this happens with Most Husbands on each salary day.......

Wife: Where is your salary

Salary Day @ today's joke

Wife: Show me your Pockets...

Salary Day @ today's joke

Husband: I'll not give the money...... U spend all of my salary.....!!!!

Salary Day @ today's joke

Wife: Give me way..... I am going for shopping.

Salary Day @ today's joke

Wife: Thanks Sweetheart...........bye :)

Salary Day @ today's joke

Its funny! from Today's Joke

Trying to adapt

After only 2 days working.. with a new life.. with Darwisy in my life.. Its quite tiring.. when i reached home at 6pm.. all my time is for Darwisy.. 

Now - (3:34am) after breastfeed Darwisy i felt hungry. And i just realize that yesterday i only had Fried Meehoon and 2 small pieces fried chicken.. OMG!! its not a good diet.. as a breastfeeding mother i have to take nutritious food. 

Then i recalled my phone conversation with my husband. He told me to take multivitamin because when he called me at 8:45pm i already asleep. Yes, maybe he is right. Personally i think i shouldn't sleep as early @ 8:30pm.. Its to early.. bak kata Azrul, berita pn bl0m habis.. But what to do? i can't control!

eRMM... what to do??

Today's Recepi: by Melati @ myresipi.com

Potato chip


potato chip tanpa menggoreng... rendah kalori

Bahan-bahan ( 1 orang )

  • 1 biji potato(ubi kentang)
  • sedikit garam


  1. Buang kulit potato dan bersihkan. Hiris nipis-nipis potato dengan menggunakan slicer.
  2. Aturkan potato yg dihiris ni ke atas cooking sheet. Tabur kan sedikit garam ke atasnya.
  3. Masak dengan microwave menggunakan suhu yg rendah. Kalau 500W selama 10 minit. 600W~5 minit. Masanya boleh ditambah kalau potato chips masih tak rangup lagi.

April 13, 2009

2nd day at work

Hari ni aku start prepare payroll utk April 2009...

Lagi stengah jam utk lunch hour.. Miss Darwisy so much!!

Today's Recipe:

Cashew Nuts Cookies

Bahan-bahan ( anggaran 50 biji )
  • 300g tepung gandum
  • 1 biji telur
  • 150g gula halus
  • 120g butter - suhu bilik
  • beberapa titik esen vanila
  • 130g cashew nuts(gajus)


  1. Pukul butter sehingga jadi bentuk krim
  2. Masukkan gula sedikit demi sedikit. Pukul sehingga putih/kembang
  3. Masukkan telur sedikit demi sedikit sambil dikacau
  4. Masukkan pula esen vanila. Kacaukan.
  5. Kemudian masukkan tepung yang telah diayak dan juga cashew nuts. Kacau rata.
  6. 1
    Keluarkan dari mangkuk dan letakkan ke atas oven peper.
  7. 2
    Bungkuskan doh tadi dan buatlah biar jadi bentuk segi empat panjang. Bila dah siap buatlah untuk yang bakinya.
  8. 3
    Simpan dalam freezer sekurang-kurangnya 1 jam.
  9. 4
    Kemudian potonglah lebih kurang 1cm. Bakar pada suhu 180C selama 15-20 minit
  10. **** Boleh juga gantikan cashew nuts dengan almond

April 12, 2009

back to work

hari ni - 12 April 2009, ibu terpaksa kembali bertugas.. rase macam orang baru plak start keje after 2 months cuti ni.. hehe.. since hari ni hari ahad is my boss's rest day.. ibu xtau nak wat ape.. hehe.. kire OT engineering team je la.. ade ckit nih..

Ibu so sad terpaksa tinggalkn darwisy.. kan best kalau ibu bleh bawak Darwisy mai ofice? hehe.. cmne la ibu nak wat keje kl bawak darwisy mai ofice..

satg pukul 1 lunch time ibu balik la tg0k darwisy.. and feed him.. Rindu darwisy..

Today's Recipe: from junjs myresepi.com


Bahan-bahan ( 1 loyang besar )

  • 1 paket serbuk agar2 (11gm)
  • 2 biji telur
  • 4 cawan air
  • 1/2 tin susu cair
  • 1 cawan gula
  • 2-3 sudu besar tepung kastad
  • 1 tin fruit cocktail


  1. masak agar2 dengan air dan gula hingga larut.
  2. pukul telur dan campurkan tepung kastad, kacau rata dan ketepikan.
  3. bila campuran agar2 larut, masukkan susu cair. bila mendidih, masukkan campuran telur dan tepung kastad. masukkan fruit cocktal.
  4. masukkan kedalam loyang atau acuan disukai. sejukkan dan hidangkan.

April 05, 2009


Darwisy dah dekat 2 bln skrg.. Alhamdulillah, walaupn terpaksa membesarkan Darwisy sendirian (since my husband tangah training), dia seorang bayi yang tak banyak meragam. Malam² pn bangun menyusu @ tukar diaper kejap saja and pastu tido balik..

Darwisy dah pandai senyum bila dia agah.. pandai nak bersembang dah.. ☺
And his toothless grin really make my heart melt!!