November 25, 2006

Where Will You Be In 10 Years?

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

Where Will You Be In 10 Years?

MY RESULT: Married With 8 Kids

You think that family’s real important – looks like you’re gonna have your hands full with a big one. Start clipping coupons for diapers!

Eight kids sounds like too much to you? Two words: birth control. But don't be too quick to shun the idea of a giant-sized family. The more the merrier, we say.

hehehe... cam lawak je kan result nih.. w0ndering... ye ke nih??? :/

try this quiz:

November 24, 2006

What's Your Flirt Style?

What's Your Flirt Style?
MY RESULT:Friend First
You’d rather date a friend than a stranger. So you try to become friends with everyone, just in case.You’ve got a great flirt technique going on. You realize that friends are more important than dates, and you’ll move a little slowly in the romance game if it means keeping everyone your pal. Where could it go wrong? Well, your crushes might not even realize that you like them as more than a friend. Be their friends, but don’t be shy with your feelings, you know? Especially if your friends are hot.
Take This Quiz!


Animated Icons

Friendster Icons Friendster Icons Friendster Icons Friendster Icons Friendster Icons Friendster IconsFriendster Icons Friendster Icons Friendster Icons Friendster Icons Friendster Icons Friendster IconsFriendster Icons Friendster Icons Friendster Icons

Kinabalu Park

This pic taken mase kitorang pg jalan2 kat Kinabalu Park. Year 2004 but dnt remember the date.. Kitorang pegi berempat Eja, Zaza, Irwan n Me. Irwan wasnt in de pic bcoz he's de pers0n "snap" this. We stay at their backpackers room.. 1st time share dorm with unknown.. :D its funny n fun.. I enj0yed the memories.. Irwan was very nice to me.. Tapi mayB xde jodoh. but he is still in my mind and my memories as someone who very sweet.. slalu treat me tg0k wayang, makan ikan bakar, lepaking at Tanjung Aru.. Many things we done t0gether. 0pss... ive tersasar fr this bl0g..haha.. We t00k lot of pic there.. very beautiful view there. with cold weather.. we really enj0yed. After Kinabalu Park we went to Poring Hotspring.. Mandi air panas..bestnye.... But now since we finished study, no more time together. everyone doing their own business.. zaza at Ipoh, Eja kat Kedah n I tercampak ke Klantan. Contact each other only once in a while. Seems very2 busy. The relationship makin renggang. I miss kenangan2 yg lepas.. what we done t0gether.. sharing susah senang kat Sabah, UMS t0gether.. g0 4 outing.. rewang2 t0gether.. semua kenangan tu pasti xkan berulang lagi. tapi it leave forever n ever in my mind as a very sweet memories.. I MISS U All.. Hope we can gathering someday FREN!!

Pulau Tiga Resort

This is 1 of very sweet memory in my life. 31 Dec 2004-Pulau Tiga Resort, Sabah(Survivor Island). Me, Dear, Zaza, Eja, Wan and Zye. While others feel fear to go to island and near beaches because of Tsunami but, we still taking risk and go there. Alhamdulillah, everything goes fine. And u kn0w, we g0t discount! hehe.. :D We spent 2 days 1 nite there. Really enjoyed celebtrating 2005 New Year at that island. We sing a lot of song. (Mengapa, Can take my eyes on U, Westlife songs... many many more...) Staff there is very hospitable. At night they invited us to join their barbeque. Fresh from the sea..!! squid, fish and prawn.. Yummy!! And 12 midnight huh.. they thr0w their friends into the sea.. GOD.. with the cold water but I can see that they really enj0yed.. Very nice experienced. 0n Jan 1st, we take a trip to Snake Island. Luckily, the staff find Sea Snake and showed us. We take that oppurtunity to take pic with that snake. Except dear.. huhu.. He fear with shake (still remember when we went to Karamunsing Complex, -Pameran Bende Aneh, awk berpeluh b'coz takut snake.. hehehe). Stop at here.. Cont in next bl0g.. :D

Definitions of KISSING

*Kiss on the Forehead ----"Forever you
will be mine"
*Kiss on the Cheek ---"We're friends"
*Kiss on the Hand ---"I adore you"
*Kiss on the Neck ---"We belong
*Kiss on the Shoulder ---"I want you"
*Kiss on the Lips ---"I love you"
OR "I want you"
*Holding Hands ---"We can learn to
love each other"
*Slap on the Butt ---"That's mine"
*Playing with the Ear ---"I can't live
without you"
*Holding on tight ---"Don't let go"
*Looking into each other's Eyes ---
"Don't leave me"
*Playing with Hair on Head ---"Tell me
you love me"
*Arms around the Waist ---"I love you
too much to let go"
*Laughing while Kissing ---"I am
Comfortable with you"

* Dont ask for a kiss, take one.
*If you were thinking about someone
while reading
this, you're definitely in Love.

4:20am (Nov 24, 2006)

Night shift again.. :D but its 0k.. Tomorrow last day working.. i'm taking 4 days leave. Ehm... g0in back to KEdah.. :D s0 sweeettttt... :D Hope after this holiday my mind bec0me fresher.. i can be m0re relaxed.. lebih tenang & lebih p0sitive.. Amin...

Its 4:20am.. tapi mata stil segar bugar.. d0sent feel like nak tid0.. simpan la tid0.. mlm nih x yah tid0.. c0ver siang es0k. lg pn Friday, n0 Bawang Putih Bawang Merah s0 can sleep even smpai pkl 4 petang.. hehe.. (cite x l0gik tu pn aku sanggup wake up dr tid0 c0z xnak miss..)
Mlm es0k dear will g0 to Kuantan. Seminar ape ntah.. I'm g0in to be al0ne.. Walaupn kejap je tp aku msti rase sunyi.. :(

I was thinking to buy beras siam utk bawak blik es0k nih.. but feel malas nk pegi Pasar Siti Khadijah tu.. Bkn ape, malas nk memikul bwak balik hotel nnti.. 7-8 kil0..erk.. beratnye.. Tp kalau x beli i've n0thing lg dah nk bawak blik kat Abah.. At least ade la jgak buah tangan..
Abah must be very busy seminggu dua ni.. MI's wedding reception Sunday ni.. As "pak L0ng" tanggungjawab abah la handle ape yg patut bcoz pak lang dah xde.. tp kire 0k la coz abah bleh blajar ape yg patut bile nak wat kenduri.. es0k2 turn hhis own children senang la kan.. hehe.. awat la aku gatai sgt nih.. :P

Cite kat TV cam best je.. St0p at here.. 2 B c0nt!! :D

November 23, 2006

i miss....

i miss...

- restoran ziemal KKIP

- Makan jeruk mangga kat Tanjung Aru

- Mandi laut everyday kat Redang- having s0 much fun with understanding friends...

- singing lagu K0 koupusan (dnt kn0w do the spelling right @ x)

- rewang2 wasting time kat KK- teng0k wayang.. (ve been l0ng time didnt g0 2 cinema)

- perasaan yg damai.. lately i feel serabut.. why ar?

- sh0pping!! (barang2 branded!!)

- zaza.. eja.. jannah.. dik yang.. ren.. kak l0ng.. kalai.. CD.. che'an (b4 he ch00sed her..hahaha), Syam.. Leena.. and de previ0us "HIM"

- pegi kuliah...

- Kolej Kediaman Indah Permai (B-47-02 n ?? f0rgot la de other home what n0 ya..)

- Teng0k bola kat Stadium Likas with de Sabahan..hahaha

- de way he treat me b4.. :(

- makan kat KFC KKIP

- lepak kat Pantai Dalit

- Makan ikan bakar kat Pasar Filipine.. air asamm cicah dgn latuk.. nyum nyum..(even i pnah serik b4.. :D)

- berebut bas nk pegi kuliah.. hahaha.. very funny..- naik m0t0.. :p

- Air Terjun Kionsom..

- Abihkan duit l0an pg round2 Sabah..

- Kuala Lumpur.. KLCC, The Mall, Mid Valley, Sogo, Berjaya Times Square, Jln Masjid India.. City0ne.. n etc...

i d0nt kn0w why lately i feel these l00se.. i hate feeling like this.. :( i tried 2 c00l myself.. but.. there must be silly things make me feel terrible like this... s0mebody help me... :(

Human Beings, indeed all sentient beings, have the right to pursue happiness and live in peace and freedom. (The XIVth Dalai Lama)

November 21, 2006

Lorry BRBR

Finance's Department Lorry.. we used this lorry to go to beach. I miss memories there in Redang Island.. Ayu n Mira was on de lorry.. :D

Tuesday, Nov 20, 2006

I enj0yed my day.. but early this morning someone ruin my mood with her stupid words!! I felt little bit mad but still under control. Afternoon and evening is very nice n beautiful. :D
But something about me that i can feel lately is i always hote temper. small things can easily make me upset.. i wish i can control this..