July 07, 2007

01/07/2007 HAppy Birthday to Azrul Hisyam

Celebrating honey's 25 birthday.. It just a simple majlis.. But still its enjoyable.. I cooked soto ayam on that day.. (bleh tahan sedapnye...haha) Agar agar pink.. suppose nk wat agar-agar lumut tapi xde c0lor hijau la plak.. Terpaksa la jadikannye pink color... I also make 'punch buah'... tapi jd cam laicikang la plak.. (",) some nuts.. Fruit Plan Cake.. also kak ani bg kr0pok lekor.. our long stayed guest Mr. Higuchi sponsor strawberry celup creamer milk..

What make me jelous is..... He got a lot of presents!!! Look!! sampai 4hb pn still ade hadiah yg sampai..pheww.........
N tis fr me.. (",) It has been long time he dreamed for tis... ;P

(my tired face after the ceremony)

And the next day he took me to Ayamas Restaurant.. Ehm.. mayB its a way to him to appreciate what i've done for his birthday.. (thanks dear) To me its nothing.. I organize that ceremony is to celebrate him! Even I felt little bit tired coz i've to do all alone but i dnt mind.. Its becoz i love him..
Anyway, Happy Birthday sayang.. wish u all de best.. semoga awak mendapat yang terbaik in everything.. Semoga dipermudahkan oleh-Nya segala urusan, dilimpahkan oleh-Nya rezeki yang halal dan keberkatan yang berkekalan.. Amin..

I love U!

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