July 10, 2008


My pregnancy turn 2 months today.... ☺☻♥☺☻
Semalam lepas maghrib abih smua yg aishah makan kuar balik..
Rase tired sangat..
Sebelum ni kalau muntah pn just muntah air je..
Tapi semalam abih semua isi perut keluar.. EEiii....

Bile bgtau hubby.. "biase la tu.. kalau tak mana nak rase feel mengandung".....
Ohhoo.... Mmg la cik abg ooi.. Awk tak rase... Perit tau...
Tapi xpe.. still under-control..

July 9 - July 15

During your first prenatal checkup (usually scheduled around this time), you'll have a pelvic exam, a Pap smear, a
urine test, and blood tests to check for anemia and other conditions.

THU 10
As hungry as you may be in the coming weeks,
eating for two doesn't mean doubling your serving sizes — your baby's caloric needs are still pretty small.

FRI 11
While plus-size women might be at higher risk for certain pregnancy complications, the good news is that these conditions can be managed and even prevented by taking
early steps.

SAT 12
If you're a cat owner, have your partner take over kitty litter duty to protect you from
toxoplasmosis, a rare but serious infection that can harm your baby.

SUN 13
Are you considering
breaking the big news at work? See our advice on who to tell, when to tell, and how to balance your pregnancy with work.

MON 14
In the BabyCenter store: Preserve your thoughts and feelings in a
pregnancy journal, or record each miraculous milestone in pregnancy calendar.

TUE 15
prenatal vitamins upset your stomach, take your pill after meals or right before bed, or ask your practitioner about switching to one without iron, which is often the cause of the problem.

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